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20. Juli 2008

Bericht: Paket-Management-Systeme unter Linux nur bedingt vertrauenswürdig (heise News)
Trojaner-Megaprozess: Hackerkönig auf Hackerjagd (Spiegel Online)
Man-in-the-Middle Attacks (Schneier on Security)
Install Cygwin, Use Unix Commands on Windows (Wired)
Fall Omar Khadr: Guantanamo-Video alarmiert Menschenrechtler (Spiegel Online)
San Francisco Held Cyber-Hostage? Disgruntled Techies Have Wreaked Worse Havoc (Wired)
Österreich plant Internet-Überwachung (Netzpolitik)
Offenes WLAN und Störerhaftung: Neue Konfusion (Netzpolitik)
Commentary: T-shirt depicts ‚pathetic and brutal legacy‘ (CNN)
Linux’s Security Through Obscurity (Slashdot)
Spiel mir das Lied vom Wurm (heise News)
Weird WEP bug strikes Centrino 2 Wi-Fi (The Register Security)
Is the Internet Bad for Science? (Wired)
Midazolam as a Non-Lethal Weapon (Schneier on Security)
Folter: Briten vertrauen US-Angaben zu Folter nicht (Die Welt)
Web-Crawling Program Spots Disease Outbreaks (Slashdot)
Ask the Pilot (Salon Technology)
ACLU Terror Watch List Counter (ACLU)
Believe Me, It’s Torture (Vanity Fair)

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